Kinnsi Sigler
NVHV Secretary

Kinnsi lives in Las Vegas, NV with her husband David and their four children Raija (11), David (9), Charly (7), and Emily (4). When she isn’t chauffeuring her kids to their activities Kinnsi loves bike rides and pickleball with her husband, being active and exploring with her family, and the beauty and effort of sunrise hikes. For over 10 years Kinnsi has enjoyed her service in volunteering with youth and children in her community and church and is especially passionate about advocating for those who are deaf/hard of hearing including two of her children. Kinnsi’s son David and daughter Emily were each born deaf/hard of hearing. This diagnosis has taken their family on a beautifully challenging journey and has lead them to Hands and Voices. Kinnsi is thrilled to be serving with an amazing team on the NV Hands and Voices board of directors.